


  超市發以“顧客需要是我們努力的方向 顧客滿意是我們追求的目標”爲核心價值觀,恪守“引領綠色消費 共創幸福家園”的企業使命,秉承“千方百計服務千家萬戶”的服務宗旨,構建“立足海澱、輻射北京”的战略格局,以提高消費者生活品質爲己任,突出生鮮商品經營特色,成爲消費者貼心的家庭夥伴。
  超市發在2001年通過了ISO9000質量體系國際、國內雙重認證,陸續通過了中關村質量管理獎和全國商業質量管理獎的創獎,穩居北京市海澱區絕對領先的市場地位, 2008年、2009年連續兩年榮膺“北京商業十大品牌”、2010年榮獲全國商業質量獎榮譽企業、多年獲得“全國商業行業顧客滿意企業”、“全國商業質量管理先進企業”、 “商業顧客滿意企業”、“北京市商業名牌企業”、“北京市守信企業”、“北京市勞動和諧關系先進單位”、 “北京十大商業品牌”、 “首都民族團結進步先進集體”等榮譽稱號。
  Beijing Chaoshifa Chain Store Co., Ltd., the former Beijing Haidian Non-staple Food Company, was shareholding reformed in Oct. 1999 and therefore became the first joint-stock commercial enterprise in Beijing. The company has the brand of “Chaoshifa”, and is specialized in the retail of daily raw and fresh foods, general merchandise, home appliances and wholesale of some agent brands. There are totally over 30000㎡base for distribution to more than 100 chain stores, including 3700㎡constant temperature warehouse for raw and fresh commodities, 1500 ㎡ low temperature warehouse and 700㎡ processing workshop. Meanwhile, we have achieved mechanized logistics and information-based management. Over these years, the company is seen with constant expanding business scale and steady increase of sales volume, and now has stood the top of commercial chain stores in Beijing. We have leaped to Top 500 of China and Top 100 of Chain Stores of China.
  With the service philosophy of “Serving Families to Our Best” and operation belief of advocating the “Green Marketing and Health Care”, we lay stress on the business of raw and fresh commodities and make every effort to promote the life quality of consumers and create the safe and health modern life together with the consumers. Our company has passed the certification of international and domestic ISO9000 quality system, and maintained stable lead in the market of Haidian District of Beijing. Based on Beijing and Facing the North China market, we have been awarded the honors of “National Customer Satisfaction Enterprise in Commercial Industry”, “National Advanced Enterprise in Commercial Quality Management”, “Famous Commercial Brand Enterprise of Beijing”, “Good Faith Enterprise of Beijing”, “Advanced Enterprise in Harmonious Labor Relationship of Beijing” and “No False Trade Mark Demonstration Store” or like in successive years.
  Our company will continue to adhere to the quality policy of “Customer First, Top Credit, Considerate Service, Best Quality, Creative Products and Satisfied Benefit”, while strengthen the business operation and management and expand scale on the basis of our enterprise culture in the future development. We will constantly promote the satisfaction of customers and make endless effort to accomplish the goal of “to be the famous brand chain enterprise in Chinese retail market”.超市發綜合超市連鎖
  雙榆樹店 玉泉路店 學院路店 上地店 清河店 廂紅旗店 凱基倫店 藍潤店 玉海園店 密雲西濱河店 密雲檀西店 密雲新中街店 農科店 農大店 魏公村店 萬泉莊店 龍崗店 天通苑東店 天通苑西店超市發普通超市連鎖
  美欣店 四道口店 科學城店 半壁店店 阜成路店 永泰店 朗秋園店 羊坊店店 萬壽路店 北航店 方圓店 甘家口店 清河大樓店 新都店 沙灘店 藍天店 曙光店 北清路店 林翠路店超市發社區超市連鎖
  月季園店 薊門店 西長安街店 五棵松店 白顧路店 花園路店 萬柳店 電科院店 清華東路店 農達菜市場 藍天菜市場超市發加盟連鎖店暢春園
  暢春園店 北太平莊店 三環新城店 航天城店 小井點 香山店 一畝園店 交大店 西翠路店
