
  創刊於1889年的《華爾街日報》(The Wall Street Journal)是道瓊斯的旗艦報紙,該報連同各種語言的專版在全球發行量超過1200萬份,是最具影響的財經報紙。《亞洲華爾街日報》(The Asian Wall Street Journal)和《華爾街日報歐洲版》(The Wall Street Journal Europe)是其姊妹報,分別在香港和布魯塞爾編輯出版,前者剛剛獲得了亞洲出版協會所頒發的"優秀新聞報道"獎,後者日發行量超過94,000份。
  除報紙之外,道瓊斯公司還出版《遠東經濟評論》(Far Eastern Economic Review)、《巴倫周刊》(Barron's)和《財智月刊》(SmartMoney)等雜志。其中,《遠東經濟評論》是亞洲主要的商業新聞周刊,提供有關亞洲商業和經濟的權威報道,發行量近10萬份。
  考慮到財經專業人士的需求道瓊斯通訊社(Dow Jones Newswires)專門爲他們提供全天候信息服務,包括財經報道和市場評論,800名編輯和記者遍布全球,服務領域覆蓋證券資本外匯商品和能源市場,訂戶超過33萬。此外,道瓊斯通訊社還推出了道瓊斯中文資訊服務,通過這一實時的中文財經新聞和信息服務,提供最新消息的報道、每個交易日中股票外匯債券商品市場的評論和分析、主要經濟指標、推動市場相關信息以及關於亞洲、歐洲和美國宏觀經濟的深度報道。 道瓊斯公司也是電子出版領域的先驅。自1996年4月推出以來,《華爾街日報》網絡版(WSJ.com)的付費訂戶已經超過69萬,成爲最大、最成功的互聯網收費刊物。隨後,道瓊斯公司又於2002年初推出了《華爾街日報》的在线中文財經出版物《華爾街日報》中文網絡版(Chinese WSJ.com),面向全球的華語讀者提供最新的全球商業與財經新聞,並於每個工作日全天24小時更新。
  道瓊斯指數道瓊斯公司所有。道瓊斯指數是全球首屈一指的可投資指數提供商,產品包括道瓊斯工業股票均價指數、道瓊斯全球、地區、國家及行業領先指數,同時,它還是道瓊斯泛歐洲STOXX指數擁有者之一。道瓊斯指數和Wilshire Associates共同行銷和授權道瓊斯威爾希爾指數系列,包括道瓊斯威爾希爾5000指數以及該指數的規模、風格和行業指數。此外,道瓊斯指數還提供一些有關對衝基金商品以及信貸衍生品在內的特殊指數。 【道瓊斯歷史】
  1882年,三位年輕的記者查爾斯·道(Charles Dow)、愛德華·瓊斯(Edward Jones)和查爾斯·博格斯特萊斯(Charles Bergstresser) 創立了道瓊斯公司
  1902年,已在道瓊斯工作多年,並曾經是第一位駐外記者的克萊倫斯·巴倫(Clarence W. Barron)在查爾斯·道過世後买下了公司控制權。當時的《華爾街日報》發行量爲7,000份。到了1920年,報刊的發行量增至18,750份。隨後,巴倫先生又引進了全套現代化的印刷設備,拓展了新聞收集業務。到了二十世紀二十年代末期,《華爾街日報》的日發行量已達5萬份之多。
  巴倫先生的《國家商業與財經周刊》於1921年問世,當時的售價爲每份10美分。巴倫先生本人就是它的第一位編輯。這份貌不驚人的小雜志很快就得到了豐厚的投資回報,在它出版後的第六個年頭, 發行量已達3萬份。
  克萊倫斯·巴倫去世十三年後,伯納德·基爾格(Bernard Kilgore)於1941年成爲《華爾街日報》的執行總編,1945年他又被任命爲道瓊斯的首席執行官。基爾格先生奠定了今天《華爾街日報》的版面設計風格,並將涵蓋的內容也擴展到商業、經濟以及消費者等與商業息息相關的各個生活領域。
  二十世紀八十年代,《華爾街日報》的發行量超過了200萬份。接着,通過購买德勵財經着力推出了數據庫、電視報道和實時市場數據傳遞等一系列服務。此外,《華爾街日報歐洲版》於1983年在布魯塞爾創刊。1999年6月, 道瓊斯公司和Von Holtzbrinck 集團就《華爾街日報歐洲版》和德國商業報刊Handelsblatt換股事宜達成協議。所有這一切都成爲公司全球化發行計劃的重要舉措。
  在整個二十世紀九十年代裏,道瓊斯繼續並更注重發揮在內容方面的實力及競爭優勢,從战略的高度將工作重心放在出版全球最權威的財經新聞和信息上。爲此做出的重要舉措包括: 1998年將德勵財經(Telerate)出售給橋訊通訊;1992年與赫斯特集團合作出版《財智月刊》(SmartMoney)-《華爾街日報》的個人理財雜志;1994年出版的《華爾街日報專刊》以及1996年啓動的華爾街日報網絡版。
  1999年9月,着重轉載《華爾街日報》有關個人投資理財及職業生涯文章的《華爾街日報周日版》开始在美國各大城市的周日報刊上發行。1999年秋天,道瓊斯還出版了一份名爲 Vedomosti(《俄羅斯商業日報》)的商業報刊。該報是目前俄羅斯唯一的一份獨立發行的俄文商業日報,每星期二至星期六出版。 【道瓊斯中國】
  道瓊斯在中國的業務還包括[1] 道瓊斯中國指數系列。於1996年道瓊斯工業股票均價指數創立100周年之際推出的四個道瓊斯指數,旨在跟蹤中國新興的股票市場的表現。另外,道瓊斯還積極參與商務會議的舉辦,並與亞洲協會及其他機構共同在中國主辦了各種會議。其中,2002年5月與北京大學中國經濟研究中心共同舉辦的"中國工商峯會"受到了與會者的熱烈歡迎,影響深遠。
  此外,道瓊斯路透商業資訊Factiva在中國也擁有大量企業用戶。 【英文簡介】
  Dow Jones & Company is a world-class commercial financial information provider, it is also important to the news media publishing group, headquartered in New York, owns newspapers, magazines, news agencies, radio, television and Internet services in the world, with more than 1,500 Reporters. The Dow Jones stock price index and disseminated more widely known.
  Inaugurated in 1889's "The Wall Street Journal" (The Wall Street Journal) is the flagship newspaper of Dow Jones, the newspaper's Edition together with the various languages in the global circulation of more than 12 million copies, is the most influential financial newspaper. "Asian Wall Street Journal" (The Asian Wall Street Journal) and "The Wall Street Journal Europe edition" (The Wall Street Journal Europe) is its sister newspaper, were published in Hong Kong and Brussels, which was just published by the Association of the Asian awarded the " Excellent News "award, the latter on the issue of more than 94,000 copies.
  In addition to the newspaper, Dow Jones also publishes "Far Eastern Economic Review" (Far Eastern Economic Review), "the Barents Weekly" (Barron's) and "Choi-monthly magazine" (SmartMoney), and other magazines. Among them, "Far Eastern Economic Review" Asia is the major business Newsweek, on Asian business and economic authority reported that the circulation of nearly 100,000 copies.
  Taking into account the needs of financial professionals, Dow Jones Newswires (Dow Jones Newswires) specifically to provide them with round-the-clock information services, including financial reports and market comments, 800 editors and journalists around the world, covering the field of securities services, capital, foreign exchange, commodities and Energy market, more than 330,000 subscribers. In addition, Dow Jones Newswires Dow Jones also introduced the Chinese information service, through which the Chinese real-time financial news and information services, providing the latest news reports, each trading day the stock, foreign exchange, bond and commodity markets commentary and analysis, Major economic indicators, to promote market-related information as well as on Asia, Europe and the United States macroeconomic depth reports. Dow Jones is also a pioneer in the field of electronic publishing. Since April 1996 the introduction of the "Wall Street Journal" online edition (WSJ.com) has been paid more than 690,000 subscribers, became the largest, most successful Internet charges publications. Subsequently, the Dow Jones company in early 2002 introduced the "Wall Street Journal" of the Chinese online financial publication, "The Wall Street Journal" Chinese Internet version (Chinese WSJ.com), the worldwide Chinese-speaking readers with the latest global business and financial news, On each working day and 24 hours a day updating.
  The Dow Jones Reuters Business Information (Factiva) for the online business information service system, providing first-class real-time news and business information, but also provide back 30 of the historical data. Its information sources, including Dow Jones Newswires and Reuters and the "Wall Street Journal" news, resources covering the world's more than 8,000 kinds of sources of information, can provide hundreds of 10,000 companies.
  The Dow Jones index for the Dow Jones Company. The Dow Jones index is a leading provider of investable index products including the Dow Jones industrial average closed, the Dow Jones global, regional, national and industry-leading index, at the same time, it is pan-European Dow Jones STOXX index one of the owners. The Dow Jones index and the Wilshire Associates joint marketing and licensing the Dow Jones index Weierxier series, including Weierxier 5000 index and the Dow Jones index of the scale, style and industry index. In addition, the Dow Jones index also provide some hedge funds, commodities and credit derivatives, the special index. 【官方網站】
  道瓊斯公司官方網站網址:http://www.dowjones.com/ (英文)
  http://www.dowjones.cn/ (中文)
